Now, we wait.
The Libertarian Party of Delaware is engaged in an unprecedented outreach effort including post cards, letters, phone calls, and other promotional activities to reach the over 2,000 registered Libertarians in Delaware as well as the over 1,000 contacts provided by the National LP from signups on the website for more information about the party or its presidential candidates.
We are working to find those who were "disenfranchised" by the changed membership criteria, who had never previously exercised their franchise anyway, not because we are conceding the LNC's authority to choose our leaders for us based on attendance, but to ensure that the Libertarian Party of Delaware represents every Libertarian in the state, not just the loudest or those with the most free time to dedicate to attending meetings and fight on social media.
We are hopeful that the 2022 LPD Annual Convention taking place on March 12th will see significant turnout that will not only put the claims of the Mises Caucus to rest. We are more hopeful that the 2022 LPD Annual Convention taking place on March 12th will bring real world Libertarians into the active membership of the party and curtail the influence of extremely online crazy people.
What the LNC or the National LP does is ultimately of little consequence to the Libertarian Party of Delaware, though signing the Judicial Committee petition will be helpful.
We are extremely confident that any legal case will ultimately see us vindicated, though donating to the Libertarian Defense Fund will help to ensure the case is resolved quickly and effectively.