
With our notice posted and a majority secured, it began on October 1st at 8p.  The motion was conducted online, but the five of us were all together at Frazier's in Dover with a few other co-conspirators.  It helped us to organize our actions and complete our task quickly.  We had the necessary majority, but the former Chair had a habit of dragging things out when he didn't like them for no valid reason at all, so we wanted to be done before he had a chance to interfere.

We began with the motion to adopt the amendment.  It was immediately seconded and the quorum call was started.  We completed the quorum call in record time.  The next step is usually the Chair announcing when the vote would be called.  The purpose of the quorum call was to ensure that Board members had time to see a pending motion and offer any amendments or other subsidiary motions, but we would typically call the vote a few hours later to give the remaining members time to catch up.

In this instance though, no debate was needed and no subsidiary motions would pass, because a majority was chomping at the bit to get it done.  A point of order was raised that delaying the vote was dilatory.  The Chair wasn't present.  The Bylaws for succession use the word "vacancy", but it has never been interpreted to mean anything more than "vacant at that precise moment" rather than actually not being occupied by anyone.  The order of succession after the Chair is the Vice Chair, then the County Chair of the county with the most registered Libertarians.  New Castle comes first, then Sussex, then Kent.  The Chair, Vice Chair, and New Castle County Chair were all absent, so the Sussex Chair ruled on the Point of Order.  Under the rushed circumstances, you might be tempted to say that this ruling was invalid.  However, the Sussex Chair ruled the Point of Order not well taken, as any ahead of him undoubtedly would have done.

The ruling was appealed, the ruling was overturned by the majority sitting together at Frazier's.  The vote was called, and it passed.  None of this was suspenseful.

The actual text of the amendment was that rather than the prior 4/5ths of the State Board, the decision would be made by 2/3 of the County Chairs.  2/3 of the County Chairs were at Frazier's so the next step to remove the Chair, Vice Chair, and New Castle County Chair from the State Board happened quickly.

This made the Sussex Chair the State Chair as well.  The Sussex Chair did not want to be State Chair, so he resigned.  This made the Kent County Chair the State Chair.  The State Chair has the authority to fill vacancies of the Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary by nomination if confirmed by a majority of the State Board, so the Kent/State Chair nominated the Sussex Chair to be the Vice Chair and he was quickly confirmed.

At this point, Phase One was completed except for a few housekeeping issues.  A notice was posted to amend the Articles of Association, since we now controlled the requisite 2/3rds of the State Board to amend those, and the various permissions and lists were updated to reflect the removal of three State Board members.